Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Your Carbon Fitness Check

It's April, so those in the know will be getting a financial health check, reviewing their tax and pensions status and hopefully making some needed adjustments.

Why not take the time to get a carbon health check as well? Later posts will go into increasing detail on things you can do to live a control your carbon impact. This post has what I consider the most important advice:

Make changes that will make a difference, and with which you can live.

The fact is that not every change will make a big difference to your overall carbon footprint - installing five compact fluorescent bulbs will reduce the average household's 10-tonne carbon footprint by only one or two percent. On the other hand, some measures that would make a big difference might be hard to live with - giving up meat, for example. What will do both?

Consider relatively easy changes to big items. Take driving for instance. Stopped for more than a minute? Switch off the motor, and save 10% or more on your vehicle emissions. Then go online to or and sign up with a green electricity provider. That's another 1.4 tonnes taken care of. Not a bad start.

If you can't reduce your carbon impact to zero, Carbon Clear is here. We will help you control your carbon impact with an offset package that invests in fantastic carbon reducing projects from around the world.

(Carbon Clear Homepage)