The long-awaited second edition of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment's (IEMA) handbook "Environmental Management in Organizations" has been published by Earthscan. The Handbook, a 560-page tome, is intended to be the reference of choice for IEMA's 14,000+ members, and for others who require an introduction to key environmental management issues. Carbon Clear is a corporate member of IEMA, and I'm pleased to have been invited to contribute the chapters on Energy and on Climate Change.
The editors, John Brady, Alison Ebbage and Ruth Lunn, wanted to perform a "root and branch" review and update of the handbook to reflect changes in environmental thinking and priorities since the first edition was released back in 2004. That's no small feat given how much the ground has shifted over the past seven years! Based on the copy that arrived on my desk the other day, I think they've done an admirable job.
One of the big shifts since 2004 has been the increased worldwide focus on climate change and sustainable energy issues. In the first edition, these topics were lumped together in a single (well-written) chapter. This time, the editors decided to create two standalone chapters on these important subjects, and also worked to weave climate change themes throughout other chapters in the Handbook.
I think this was the right choice. Aside from giving me the opportunity to author two chapters instead of one, providing separate space for each issue acknowledges that while energy and climate change are related, they are not the same thing. Energy production and consumption are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, but so are agriculture, deforestation, and the production of industrial gases like hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Separate chapters allow the editors (and author) freedom to explore the broader implications each has for environmental managers.
With the Handbook's publication, the Carbon Clear Blog will be focusing on some of the issues and themes discussed in the Climate Change and Energy chapters. Stay tuned!